Our 4-Day PMP training, Instructor-Led PMP certification boot camp is the ideal solution for project managers who are looking to acquire the PMP Certification. The core objective of our PMP course is to adequately prepare students for the PMP examination. By taking our in-person PMP training, taught by our own PMP certified trainers, you can be confident that the training experience will adequately prepare you to pass the PMP examination and receive your PMP certification. We guarantee it with our money-back guarantee!
Looking for more information about getting the PMP Certification? Visit our PMP Requirements page to learn everything you need to know to achieve PMP Certification. Use the search function below if you are looking for information about PMP Certification Training in your area.
When we refreshed our PMP Boot Camp Training Experience, we wanted to stay true to our extremely successful classroom-style project management boot camp course. To accomplish this we maintained the same time-tested regimen and PMP course itinerary that has been so successful over the past 22 years, while using extremely valuable feedback from our past customers to improve your PMP training experience. The results speak for themselves, but you don't have to take our word for it. Feel free to review our extensive customer reviews and learn why more people have trusted Project Management Training Institute (PMTI’s) classroom PMP training than any other over the past 22 years.
Here's how it works.
You can begin your Project Management Professional PMP Certification prep journey with gathering information about PMP requirements. After going through the PMP Success Guide you may check your eligibility for PMP using our FREE PMP Eligibility Assessment Tool. If you feel you do not qualify for the PMP certification exam, you can send your resume to [email protected] for initial consultation. It's a free service. You may also want to check out a junior level project management certification, Certified Associate Project Manager (CAPM) requirements. In addition to the course materials described below, you will have an in-person PMP training course taught over four (4) consecutive days by an interactive instructor whom you will be able to ask questions, and who will strive to adapt and relate the training to experiences that you and your fellow classmates have. Our PMP courses are designed to provide comprehensive preparation for the PMP exam. During this PMP exam prep course you will earn and learn everything needed to apply, take, and pass the PMP exam. This includes an extensive review of each of the five (5) process groups while straightforwardly weaving each of the ten (10) knowledge areas in over the four (4) day course, full course itinerary below.
Here's what you need.
There are no required materials or prerequisite readings prior to your PMP exam prep boot camp training experience. For the classroom, you may want to bring a snack or two to enjoy throughout the day. While our instructors do a great job of distilling the information, the material is intense and your mind will need all the energy it can get. You will also need the right mindset. While most of our students pass the PMP Exam, the exam material is not trivial and will require your focus and engagement throughout the course. We don't call it a project management boot camp for no reason.
In addition to our regular PMP certification training sessions, we're excited to present a unique option: PMP Weekend Course. This intensive program is ideal for individuals with packed schedules who are determined to achieve their PMP certification.
Jan 2025
This course trained me well for the pmp exam. 4 day in-person boot camp training along with access to their exceptional site with videos and sample questions prepared me well.
June 2024
SOOOOO much useful videos, visual aids, and paractice questions available till you pass. once I followed the recommendations (Like a project) before testing I didnt even realize how I began to "think PMI" which made the 4 hour test so much more manageable...this program is worth more than its weight in gold...